almond spread
ice cream cake
triple layer
Epic Triple Layer Ice-Cream Cake (Choc, Nutella and Almond)
The vegan ice-cream cake has, for a long time, been on my to-do list. As my first try at this dessert, I decided to make it reallllly epic (despite the cake being a baby size). I am talking three layers of crazy flavour goodness, topped with dark chocolate shavings, berries and flowers kind of epic. Oh, and it is also healthy and you only need 4 ingredients! The verdict? Trust me, more ice-cream cakes will be coming your way...and I should cover cakes in flowers and berries more often! I fell in love with how it turned out, so I decided to share it here! I used a baby springform tin (5 cm high and 12 cm diametre), but I think if you times it by three (i.e. 3 bananas per layer), it should fit in your average cake-size tins.
Serves approx 4 people, 15 minutes preparation, 1-2 hours in freezer.
You will need:
3 large frozen bananas
1 tbsp cacao/cocoa
1-2 tbsp vegan nutella (i.e. any hazelnut/cacao spread: I used this)
1-2 tbsp almond butter
+ a spring-form tin, approx: 5 cm high and 12 cm in diameter.
1. Line the base of your springform pan with some baking paper (this will make it easier to remove the cake later on).
2. For the chocolate layer: combine one frozen banana and 1 tbsp cacao in a food processor until combined. Try not to add liquid, as this will make the cake harder to cut into etc. With a spoon, spread out the ice-cream into the springform pan. Try and make it as smooth as possible.
2. For the nutella layer: combine one frozen banana with 1-2 tbsp vegan nutella. Repeat, smoothing out this layer on top of the chocolate layer.
3. For the almond butter, combine one frozen banana with 1-2 tbsp almond butter. Repeat, smoothing out this layer on top of the nutella layer.
4. Place in freezer for 1-2 hours.
5. Remove from tin and serve! When serving, add some shaved vegan dark chocolate, cover with berries and edible flowers!