Vegan "Nutella" Ice-Cream

We've all done it. Reached for a spoon, twisted the lid off, and gone for it. I am of course referring to the delicious and ever so satisfying moment when you put that heaped spoon of Nutella in your mouth. Heavenly. The way the smooth spread melts in your mouth.... I am sure you get the point: Girl Loves Nutella: Love Story Part Une. However, I have unfortunately reached the point where if I indulge in such an activity, I feel sick and nauseous. This of course leads to the breakup: Love Story Gone Wrong: The Sequel to Girl Loves Nutella. Fortunately for me, there are a number of vegan "Nutella" spreads: or in other words, Hazelnut and Chocolate spreads. I won't be making vegan Nutella in this post (if you are really keen on making your own Nutella you should check out this recipe) but instead I will be using "Mayver's All Natural Hazelnut and Cacao Spread", which is only made from Cacao and Hazelnuts (still keeping in tune with my "natural ingredient" ideal). I decided to use bananas again as the ice-cream base, as Nutella and Banana go so well together (Nutella and Banana Crepes anyone?)

You will need:

2 bananas (frozen if possible)
1/4 cup or more of almond milk (or any other plant-based milk)
4-6 tbsp or more of vegan "Nutella"

1. In a food processor or blender, combine the ingredients. I used frozen bananas this time, so a food processor worked the best. Add more milk if needed, and add more "Nutella" if needed, until it reaches the desired taste.
2. Pour into a metal tray, and if desired stir in 2 tbsp more of "Nutella" so that there are streaks of the spread in the ice-cream. If you used un-frozen bananas, you can add the "Nutella" in the last stage of mixing the ice-cream, so that you do not lose the streaks.
3. Stir your ice-cream every 30 minutes until ready to serve (if you can wait that long!). If you used frozen bananas, your mixture will only need 30-45 minutes in the freezer.

N. B. Why you should use frozen bananas:
1. It cuts down preparation time
2. The mixture is (in my opinion) more creamy
3. For aesthetic reasons: the colour won't go as grey and funky.

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