Everyone loves ice cream, am I right? But it isn't exactly the most healthy treat. But what if we could make it healthy? No added sugar, no milk, no egg, no preservatives, no added artificial flavour...and furthermore, made from natural ingredients, such as fruit? Is this fantasy place real? Why, yes, yes it is. Ice cream can be made purely from banana and plant-based milk (coconut milk, almond milk or soy milk, whatever your preference), which will be the base ingredients for many of the recipes on this blog. Almond milk and soy milk are best for creating a soft-serve ice cream, whilst coconut milk helps to create that "ice-cream" texture.
The basic formula: 2 bananas and 2 tbsp to 1/4 cup of coconut or almond milk. The amount of milk that you use will depend on the size of your bananas and how good your blender is. Usually I mix the banana and almond milk in a blender (add more milk if needed) and freeze, whisking every 30-45 minutes. Alternatively, if you have a super blender, mixing frozen banana is another option to make a soft serve.
So what are the soft-serves featured in the photo? The top is strawberry and banana (2 bananas, 8 strawberries, 2 tbsp almond milk) and the bottom, barely visible, is mango and banana (2 bananas, flesh from 1-2 mangoes, and 2 tbsp almond milk). Freeze or serve when cold: and they go down quite well with a waffle cone (most waffle cones are vegan for those who are curious).
I hope you enjoy this blog, especially if you are a fellow frozen treat lover like myself!