Vegan (and Gluten-Free) Cookie Dough Ice-Cream

I've always loved cookie dough and ice-cream, but I could never stomach Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice-Cream, as the thought of eating raw egg disgusted me. Thankfully, with vegan cookie dough there is no egg in sight, which makes this ice-cream all the more appealing to me. This is one of my favourite ice-cream's by far, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

You will need:

2 bananas
1/4 cup of almond milk (or any plant-based milk)
and a hand full of vegan and gluten-free cookie dough (I used this recipe, though I used dry vegan and gluten free protein powder, added 1 tbsp of coconut oil, 2 more tbsp of maple syrup and a dash more vanilla essence as I found the mixture very dry)

1. Make your cookie dough.
2. In this case I used frozen bananas; so I added frozen bananas and the almond milk to a food processor, and half of the cookie dough.
3. Pour this mixture into a metal tray, and roughly mix in the rest of the cookie dough.
4. Cover tray with glad wrap and place in a freezer. Every 30 minutes mix the ice-cream with a whisk. Since I used frozen bananas, I only needed to have the ice-cream in the freezer for around 45 minutes.

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