
Vegan Poached Egg (GF, RSF)

During a recent trip to Melbourne for a conference, I managed to find time to visit Matcha Mylkbar: a 100% plant-based cafe whose specialty is...you guessed it, matcha (and vegan poached eggs). To me, though they looked like "eggs", they tasted of coconut and cheese. Which I think is good, as I was never the biggest fan of eggs to begin with.

Naturally, when I returned to Sydney I was determined to have a go at making them myself. With nothing to go off except that I knew the "white" was made of almond milk and coconut, and the "yolk" center sweet potato, coconut, and flax seeds, I made up a recipe with my taste buds as a guide. Though these don't taste as amazing as the original (which took the cafe months to perfect), I think they come close! Plus, they are much cheaper to make than flights to Melbourne every time I want one!

Note, you will need some sort of semi-circle mould. I got mine for $5 off eBay, which had six semi-circles.

Prep: 15 minutes, Setting: 40 minutes. Total time: 45 minutes.

Serves 6.

You will need:

For the egg white:

1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup coconut milk
scant 1 tbsp agar agar

For the egg yolk:

75g sweet potato, steamed and mashed
1 tbsp coconut milk
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
1/2 tbsp ground flax seeds
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp vegan margarine
1.5 tbsp water


1. In a saucepan, combine the almond milk, coconut milk and agar agar. Bring to boil, stirring constantly, until it is bubbling rapidly. Leave for 1 minute, then divide between your moulds, filling up 3/4. Place in fridge to set, and leave the excess aside (it will be reused).
2. Combine all ingredients for the yolk in a food processor. Set aside.
3. Once the white has set, using a spoon scoop out the center of each white. Put these leftovers back in a saucepan on low heat with the other excess whites, and slowly bring to boil again. Meanwhile, spoon in the "yolk" mixture into these cavities.
4. Top the egg with more white once ready. Let set in the fridge again.
5. When serving, heat the egg in the microwave for 30 or so seconds.

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