Easy Vegan Fondant Icing (Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free)

Fondant icing. One of the hardest things to make. In fact, the last time I tried to make it I burnt myself on a boiling hot saucepan and got a ginormous blister (setting off the smoke alarm in the process)! So the next time I made fondant icing, I didn't want heat to be involved. At all. Inspired by this post, I managed to make a sugar free and vegan fondant icing, without crazy ingredients like agar agar or glycerin.

Makes 750-800 g of fondant icing.

Prep: 15 minutes.

You will need:

1/3 cup rice malt syrup*
1/3 cup vegan margarine
1 tsp vanilla essence
pinch of salt
650 g natvia icing sugar mix**
plus 1/4-1/2 cup corn flour


1. Beat the margarine in a large bowl, then add the rice malt syrup, vanilla, and salt. Beat.
2. Sift and beat in the icing sugar.
3. It is ready when you can form a ball. It will still be sticky, but when you roll out (between baking paper sheets) dust with corn flour until it is easy to cut and peel off. You can divide the icing into balls and place in the freezer until you need it, so only add the corn flour when you are actually rolling out the icing and intend on using it.

* Or use light corn syrup (but then it wouldn't be sugar free) or a thick syrup (maple syrup is probably too thin).
** Or use normal icing sugar, but again, it wouldn't be sugar free.

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  1. I am so excited to try this recipe for my daughters first birthday cake!!!


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