Current Favourites: Links to Love

Vegan Donuts, made using the recipe from Drop Dead.
Phew, it has been a busy few weeks! I am back at uni being super busy with a truckload of readings, lectures and assignments with the additional pressure of formulating a research proposal, and having it approved, by a supervisor for my thesis next year! However, I have been able to squeeze in some baking time! Tuesdays and Saturdays are officially my new favourite days, as I have the whole day off to do homework baking! Anyway, here are some recipes that I am loving at the moment!





To Inspire:


To Think About:

I recently learnt that Oreos are not vegan everywhere (they are in Australia and US, phew!) but not necessarily Europe. For a great discussion read this, though as always, the most important thing is to always read the label!

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