Healthy Vegan Raspberry Sorbet

Usually sorbet is full of sugar, and some are made of egg whites. Today I thought I would share a healthy sorbet option! I served mine with gluten-free vegan pancakes and chocolate sauce (I was having a fat-urday). The pancake recipe hasn't been perfected yet so I won't share it (plus, this is an ice-cream blog!), but the chocolate sauce was made from 1 tbsp cacao, 1 tbsp coconut oil and 2 tsp maple syrup; I just mixed them together in a bowl and poured over the pancakes.

For the sorbet, you will need:

2 cups of frozen raspberries
1/4 cup coconut water
2 tsp maple syrup

Optional: 1 tbsp lime juice

1. Combine ingredients in a food processor. If it won't mix properly, add a dash of coconut water.
2. Pour into a metal tray and cover with glad wrap. After 30 minutes, serve!

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